There are three main places your following will find you on ArchiPal:
- Your ArchiPal profile – where your products are displayed and where your audience can sign up to your newsletter.
- Your product pages – which are the individual pages of each of your product.
Your creator profile
Your profile is your ArchiPal home base. You can use it to introduce yourself to people (through a profile image, bio, and further customization), build your following by collecting email addresses, and showcase your work as you start adding products.
The URL of your creator profile is where username is replaced with your unique username (which you enter in your settings).
To go to your profile page to edit it, you can simply go to while logged in to your account.
To add a username and set up your ArchiPal profile, click the profile button in the ArchiPal toolbar. Then, you can add a profile image and write a short bio.
You can use the follow form on the top of the page to build your email list.
Once you add products for sale, they will be displayed on your profile. You can select which products you want to be displayed, and how. Click the “Products” tab in “Profile” for that:
Simply toggle products on or off and they will appear or disappear on your profile. To change the order of the products, select an option under “Default sort order.” You can also highlight one of your Memberships on your profile in this menu.
Product pages
If you want to focus your followers’ attention to a single product, you can use your product page. You can find the URL of your product page from your product dashboard or while editing your product. You can also edit this URL and share it directly to your Facebook, Twitter, or on your website.
You can even customize your product page by making edits to the style, purchase flow, and receipts.